Note To Self

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Three Things Learned In Feature Writing

It hasn't been too long but I have definitely already learned a few things that I did not know and were very helpful in writing my last two articles alone.
The most important lesson I think I've learned so far is that stories don't always pan out like you plan, and having a backup for even your backup is a good idea. I've also learned some good lessons about AP style and what needs to go into that kind of writing. Part of the other lesson I've learned is about writing a good review, some of which comes from experience over the summer, but the rest of which came from reading these reviews in the morgue and the discussion in class over them today.
My first lesson, how I never learned this before I have no idea, seems to be the most important one I can learn. Feature writing in general is not my forte and is something that I need more experience in overall rather than straight up reporting, but finding a story that will not only be a good investigative piece but also is more in touch with people than most regular news is a difficult one. Finally finding my story about the Family Fun Day was out of me stressing out after my first two ideas went no where and I was panicking have thoughts of "Oh no I'm going to fail this first assignment," "I'll never find a story! Why did I take this class?" But in the end it turned out okay. I got my story up and, it needs plenty of editing, but I think it should be okay in the next couple hours.

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