Jerri Wolfd: Family Resource Center
What is the day?
Who first organized it?
How many years has it been running?
How much has it grown since then?
Did parents ask for it or was it started by faculty?
Who gets involved?
How long does it take to set up?
Are people or organizations from the community involved?
Are donations made, and if so where can they be made to?
Whats the goal of the day?
Are there other places information can be obtained about the day?
Whats the average attendance each year?
How is it advertised?
Are students involved?
What is the most popular part of the day?
Has it been held other places in the past?
Are there students who have participated or that I can get in contact with?
Is it only an Albany thing or do people come from surroundings areas as well?
Martha Foster: Periwinkle Child Development Center
Why has PCDC not been involved in this in the past?
How does PCDC benefit?
Why don’t parents in PCDC classes benefit from the fundraiser?
Why did PCDC not get involved last year after becoming a coop again?
Paula Jensin: Parenting Education
What is your involvement?
I’ve heard that there are several events being put together by the different classes. What kind of activity is your class doing this year?
How do you work with the parent board that puts everything together?
How long have you been involved? How many years have you attended in all?
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