Note To Self

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Batman vs. Rorshach

Few times in our lives are we able to play witness to world changing events or titanic battles that are so destructive in their execution that we are stricken with an overwhelming sense of completeness for having witnessed such an event. I have witnessed three.

It was an average day at dear old LBCC and I arrived as I would any other day at a little after nine o’clock, just in time to be late for my first class. The weather, foggy, my homework, half done I was perusing the parking lot for a space I finally find one in the very last row and breathe a sigh of relief at finally arriving. But just then there arose such a clatter and I sprang from my car to see what was the matter. Backpack in hand I scanned the parking lot until I spotted the disturbance moving through the fog to my left.

Much to my surprise it was the Bat Mobile, its loud Bat Engine splitting the silence of the lot asunder as it rolled ever closer. It stopped in the middle of the lot, blocking the way for cars without regard as the door opened and out stepped the one and only Batman. Shocked, I was about to speak when a loud ‘k’chunk!’ sounded from my right and from within the fog itself the hook from a grappling gun shot through the air and collided with the chest of the Batman.

Not one to be caught off guard the Bat had already braced himself and took the shot to the chest with only a loud grunt, his mere human physique protected by the armor within his suit. From the fog to my right were a rustle and the sound of charging heavy charging footsteps as a tan overcoat and hat blurred by me. A fist extended from the coated man and was blocked by the arm of the Bat who returned the attack with an elbow to the assailants head, knocking the bowler to the ground and revealing a pale white head.

From beneath his mask Rorschach growled as I stood a silent witness to a battle between the world’s greatest detective and the world’s harshest vigilante.

Rorschach released a wild punch to the Bats stomach, followed quickly by another and another, though his opponent seemed to barely feel it. The scales already tipped in his favor, Batman head butted his shorter assailant. Receiving a further enraged growl for his efforts, Rorschach rewarded the Dark Knight by bringing both hands up and behind the temporarily disoriented Bat’s head and yanked down, his knee rising to meet his face twice in quick succession.

It was Batman’s turn to growl in frustration and he dropped to one knee leaving Kovacs’s hand in mid air as he threw a fist once hard into the man’s abdomen. Rorschach fell on his back gasping for breath as a smoke pellet was thrown from the Bat. A gray haze rose quickly, obscuring his target and blinding Rorschach as he felt the full weight of his opponent collide with him.

From my spot next to my car I could hear a series of grunts and growls issue forth from the smoke. A series of punches and thrown objects set off car alarms all around me and a thrown batarang came to a solid halt in the trunk of my car. At last Rorschach was thrown into the back of the vehicle nearest my own while Batman returned quickly to his Bat Mobile and hit the gas. My last glimpses of the epic battle were of Rorschach launching himself from the shattered window of the car he was in onto the roof of Batmans own as it sped off, over the grassy hill and into the road.

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